
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wacky and Weird Wednesday: Weight Loss Sim

I will have to admit I think this website is pretty fun.

You put in your current weight and then the weight you want to be and it populates an image of the difference.

You have several options to customize your sim to make it as close to you as possible.

After you have made all of your custom choices, you get a side by side comparison as well as the option to turn your sim in all the way around to view both the front and the back.

Here is the one I did of me:

The website can be found here.  Go have some fun!


  1. This is cool! I built my images and may put them up later. Thanks for the website!

  2. You are very welcome!

    It sure has given me some motivation!

  3. That is freakin' awesome!!!!! Can they add about 2 feet to me so I can finally look like Giselle???????

  4. Neat! I'll have to save this for after I'm not pregnant anymore.

  5. PS I don't think your voting button is working?

  6. Thank you for letting me now! It should be fixed now.
