Well, lets see, first I would like to thank the academy...
No, seriously, I would like a send big THANK YOU to Vicky over at The Greek Housewife for this lovely ray of sunshine!
-Include award logo in blog post and site and thank the blogger who
gave it to you & include a link back.
-Answer 10 questions about yourself that you have made up yourself
or simply list 10 facts about you.
-Nominate 10-12 bloggers for the award and contact them at their
blog site to inform them.
10 Facts about me:
- I'm scared of the dentist, but the thought of losing my teeth is greater than the fear of the dentist. I probably go to the dentist way too much for the littlest things because I am terrified I will lose teeth. My dentist and the staff is aware of my fear, so they usually gas me so I don't care what they do to me.
- I love York Peppermint Patties.
- I am a child of the 80s, but I love, love, love hippy stuff. I collect anything smiley faces. I happened to be in a Clare's one day (which was a tad bit embarrassing at my age) at I came across the following wallet and I have been in love ever since. It's going to break my heart when it finally falls into pieces.
4. I am currently reading the Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind.
5. I can recite the military call letters from memory. I was not in the service, but my previous job required us to verify everything using military call letters.
6. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and its also when I get the most homesick. I do miss my grandmother's banana pudding, my dad's stuffing, and my other grandmother's sour cream pound cake.
7. I am currently hooked on Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, and The Big Bang Theory. 8. I love Strawberry and Creme Frappes with soy from Starbucks and I wish I had one now. If you click on the link and go to the webpage, you get this message. In case you didn't know, it translates to too damn many and you should not drink it! Ha!
9. The Glory of Love by Peter Cetera is my favorite song. I've heard that Peter Cetera lives somewhere here in Utah and has concerts quite often. I have lived here almost three years and I have yet to hear of one. You can believe as soon as he performs, I will be there, even if I have to go by myself.
10. When I was a young girl, I made a list of three things I thought a man had to do before I would marry him. They were (1) ask my dad's permission (I am from the south so this is considered polite manners), (2) had to get down on one knee and propose, and (3) had to know what my favorite song was and do something with it like dedicate it to me on the radio, sing it to me, etc. And no, my husband didn't do any of them. To his credit, living in Utah and my dad living in Alabama did make that one a bit difficult.
My Nominees Are:
(1) Miss Niki @ Hello Miss Niki
(2) Christine @ Moore Organized Mayhem
(3) Ashley @ Ashley Brooke Nicholas
(4) Mary @ Sweet Maple Life
(5) Hilary @ Sweeping Mama
(6) Heidi @ Typative Mamacat
(7) Buffi @ Wonderfully Dysfunctional
(8) Jen @ Frazzled 5
(9) Brittany @ The Domestic Geek
(10) Wendy @ Saved Sister
(11) Kim @ Garden Tenders
(12) H @ Banana Clips, Music and Me
Well done, Tabitha. You sure deserved it! I love reading your blog! Keep up the good job! I liked reading the info about you. I hate dentists, too, I also like the song 'The glory of love' and I had made a list of prerequisites for the man of my life but me too, did that in vain!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I love reading your comments. I may not always respond to everyone, but I do read them!
ReplyDeleteThe next time I hear of Peter Cetera putting on a concert, you will have to come go with me! :)
I really, really really wish I could!!!!